A Partnership in Caring Society Delivers Days for Girls Kits for Mbuga Health Centre

Maria van Vonderen, a volunteer with a Partnership In Caring Society explains the use of the Days For Girls Kits to Sister Marie Drocelle from the Mbuga Health Center in Rwanda.
Sister Drocelle is a Benebikira Sister and a Registered Nurse who counsels young women between the ages of 15 and 20 on reproductive health matters.
The kits include reusable flannel pads, a protective liner, facecloth and soap, 2 pair of underwear and a cycle calendar. These kits are made by volunteers for Days for Girls.
For more information about the kits please go to www.DaysforGirls.org
To make a donation to A Partnership In Caring Society please go to their website at www.apartnershipincaring.ca


Maria van Vonderen explains the Days for Girls kits to Sister Drocelle