Below you can see listed all of the Breeders registered with the Purebred Sheep Breeders Association of Nova Scotia who breed 2019.

A Partnership in Caring Volunteers visit Mbuga Health Centre

On Thursday, A Partnership in Caring Society volunteers Carolyn Rideout and Maria van Vonderen visited the Mbuga Health Center, The center provides a number of programs including pre natal care, delivery and post natal care, immunization, minor surgeries, TB and HIV services, nutritional support programmes , General assessments and referrals to district hospitals , education focused on healthy sexual development, and voluntary circumcision for boys over age 15.

In 2018 A Partnership in Caring Society purchased a delivery bed seen in the photos below. We are joined by Sister Drocelle , a midwife who is also the director of the Center.

Sixty Days For Girls Kits, 25 pairs of glasses, bottles of children’s Motrin and Tylenol were also delivered.

A Partnership in Caring Society pay Several Visits to ADAR Orphanage

Maria and Carolyn were able to undertake several great visits to ADAR this year. Time spent there is definitely one of the highlights of the trip to Rwanda. They were able to see the implementation of a successful water project by Mike and Sue of Honor Yoga, North Brunswick, NJ. In addition, thanks to the generosity of our many donors, some significant refurbishment of the buildings will take place. ADAR relies almost entirely on support from donors.

Upgrade Project Underway at ADAR Orphanage

Maria and Carolyn were able to witness a very successful project get underway at ADAR. As many of you know, this is a residence for physically and otherwise disabled children and adults in Butare, Rwanda. The center was originated and is run on a purely volunteer basis by Josepha, her son Yves and a volunteer board. We call Josepha the ‘ Jean Vanier’ of Rwanda.
Thanks to the generosity of Michael Favale, his wife Susan, and Honor Yoga of North Brunswick, NJ, we were able to set up a new water collection cistern and add 2 water heaters so the residents wouldn’t have to have cold showers. There was also some residual funding for some refurbishment of the very dreary washroom. Heartfelt thanks to Mike, Sue and Honor Yoga. To support our ongoing projects in Rwanda visit our website, www.apartnershipincaring.ca.


A Partnership in Caring Society collaborates With Wishing Wells Society on Cistern Project in Rwanda

Carolyn Rideout and Maria van Vonderen, A Partnership in Caring volunteers spent time viewing some of the 12 cisterns supplied through a partnership with The Wishing Wells Society of St. Andrews, Nova Scotia.
This water collection system provides much needed water for gardening, livestock, cleaning, household use etc. to a number of different communities in Rwanda.

To support our projects in Rwanda visit our website at : https://www.apartnershipincaring.ca


Soup Preparation at Immaculate Conception School

Soup preparation for the 390 students at Immaculate Conception School in SAVE.
The students have meat on Sundays only. They mainly eat rice , soup , brown beans and fresh fruits and vegetables.
A Partnership in Caring Society sponsors 8 vulnerable students in this boarding school. To support our continuing work in Rwanda, visit the Society’s website at https://www.apartnershipincaring.ca.




Saturday Morning Visit

Fabrice and his brothers Ivan age 8 and Tresor  aged 18 months at SAVE modelling the new clothes purchased by A Partnership in Caring Society.  Tresor loves his new shoes, he was so excited that he Danced for us! Ivan especially likes  his new belt and Fabrice loves his hoodie!