Below you can see listed all of the Breeders registered with the Purebred Sheep Breeders Association of Nova Scotia who breed Medications.

A Partnership in Caring Volunteers to Return to Rwanda

Happy New Year! A Partnership in Caring volunteers are returning to Rwanda. APIC continues to support projects in Rwanda, and your donations are greatly appreciated. We continue to support Fabrice and Eric in addressing their specific needs. Both have made great improvements.

Support to ADAR, a program for persons with disabilities, continues with a focus on medical needs.

Another area of focus for APIC is rural health centres and education for vulnerable students.

To donate, e-transfer to Please send your security question/answer for e-transfers to Contributions can also be sent by mail to A Partnership in Caring, c/o Dr. Carolyn Rideout, PO Box 1652, Station Main, Antigonish, NS B2G 2L8. Thank you for your ongoing support.

To learn more about our projects, visit our Facebook page:

Medical Supplies Delivered to the Benebirkira Sisters

In Kabuga, Rwanda today, our volunteers with A Partnership in Caring delivered medical supplies donated by our supporters to the Benebikira Sisters.

The Benebikira Sisters are a Roman Catholic diocesan community living and working in many countries in Africa, including Rwanda. They are key partners for our volunteers in Rwanda, and administer schools, homes for orphaned children, and district health centers.