A Partnership in Caring collaborates with Wishing Well Society to Install New Cisterns in Rwanda

A Partnership in Caring, working with the Wishing Well Society installed 12 new cisterns in

Three Cisterns being delivered

Rwanda earlier this year. The total cost of the project is 13.3 million Rwandan Francs or about $18,000 Canadian. The project is the result of many generous donors. Our partners in Rwanda, the Benebikira Sisters say the installation of the water collection tanks has had a much greater impact than originally expected because of the Corona virus.

The tanks have been placed in several locations in southern Rwanda, including the Benebikira Sisters’ Save Convent, which covers not only the needs of the Sisters, but the health centre, the local community, and a student dormitory. The tanks provide water for increased hand washing, cleaning of the dorms, and maintenance of its cow herd. It has also reduced its water bill with the city as they only water it uses from the municipality is for cooking and drinking.
In total, A Partnership in Caring, in partnership with the Wishing Well Society has installed 48 cisterns in Rwanda over the past number of years.
If you would like to support our ongoing work in Rwanda, donations are gratefully accepted via E-Transfer at apic.rwanda@gmail.com.